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During pregnancy there are many physical, emotional and hormonal changes. Some of the biomechanical changes that can occur during pregnancy include:
Hyperextension of the neck
Forward head posture​
Hyper extension of upper back
Anterior pelvic tilt​
Increased stress on low back​
Leading to neck pain, tightness and headaches
Leading to thoracic outlet syndrome, neck pain, headaches, arm and wrist pain/numbness and tingling, carpal tunnel syndrome
this can cause reduced lung capacity, difficulty breathing and indigestion
this can lead to pelvic pain, pubic symphysis dysfunction (SPD) and pubic girdle pain (PGP)
this can lead to sciatica, low back pain and constipation
At Kardinya Chiropractic we use a range of gentle and safe techniques to help relieve pain throughout the body as it progresses through pregnancy. We also help improve pelvic balance through chiropractic adjustments, which can be especially beneficial during labour and delivery.
As your baby grows and develops within the womb, it is natural for your posture to change, which in turn will see your centre of gravity shift. Many patients regularly visit our chiropractors during their pregnancy, to address the above common occurrences.
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Some ways in which our chiropractors can support your pregnancy through treatment:​
Alleviate discomfort and pain in your back, neck, hips, and joints
Improve spinal alignment and posture
Reduce experiences of nausea
Promote optimal nervous system function and communication between your brain and body
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